Information For Authors
Manuscript Format
All manuscripts shall follow a defined format unless determined otherwise by the Journal editorial board, chaired by the managing editor.
Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents in either times new Roman or Ariel font styles (12pts). The manuscripts should be spaced at 1.5 apart from tables and figures which should be set at 1pt font size. All articles for Editon journals should not exceed 20 pages including references. The authors will be advised to edit any manual not conforming to these guidelines.
Title Page: title page should contain the title of the article, which should be precise and problematized. The title should be in title case.
Abstract: abstract should start with the statement of the problem for all journal articles. For example, “the purpose of this article is to…” and should end with the significance of the study. It should not exceed 250 words. It should be followed immediately by “Key Terms”
Introduction: this part should begin by the statement of the problem and explain the stated key terms, if not defined in the abstract. It should end with an overview of what is to be discussed and expected.
Methodology/Methods: it should be a prose-form methodology of not more than 250 words, precise and comprehensive. Specifying the research design, all methods of data collection, sampling procedure, sample sizes and data analysis procedure.
Literature Related to the Objective (s) of the article: the content should be relevant to the purpose/objective of the study as stated in the abstract. In-text referencing should be in APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition.
Results/Findings of the Study: these should be summarised as possible to capture only relevant results/findings. Tables and figures should be named as they appear in the paper as per APA.
Discussion: discussion should be focused, blending literature review, theory and results.
Conclusion: conclusions clearly stated or enumerated drawing from the results. It should be a summary of not more than 250 words.
References/Bibliography: all reference used in the text should be included here, in APA referencing style 6th edition. Appendices: if any, should come after references and should be titled and labelled as so.
Referencing a Journal Article
Yieke, F. (2011). Ethnicity and development in Kenya: Lessons from the 2007 General Elections. Kenya Studies Review, 3 (3), 5-16.
Referencing a Book Chapter
Ndonye, M. M. (2014). “New media, digital democracy and ‘new’ political communication in developed and developing countries: A critical analysis of Kenya and the US cases.” (pp. 124 -162). In G. B. Okon and O. P. Ohiagu (Eds.). ICT, Communication and society: Trends and issues. Port Harcourt, Nigeria: Accuracy Prints.
Referencing a Book
Mosco, V. (2009). The Political Economy of Communication (2nd Ed.). Canada: SAGE Publications Ltd
Referencing an Online Article
Kendra, C. (2018). Understanding prejudice how it forms and how to prevent it. Retrieved on January 21, 2019, from
The manuscript should not exceed 6000 words
Should you require more guidelines, do not fail to consult through