Examining the perception of the youths towards Kazi Kwa Vijana (Work for the youth) programmes in Kericho municipality of Kericho County, Kenya



  • Gilbert Langat


kazi kwa vijana programme, Kericho municipality, perception of the youths


This study was intended to examine the perception of the youths towards this programme and find out how the programme has been effective in sustainable youth employment through the Kazi Kwa Vijana programme in Kericho Municipality. This study was carried out amongst youths and their coordinators who participated in the projects of the Kazi Kwa Vijana programme in this Municipality. The study employed Hertzberg’s Two Factor theory which is effectively a theory of job satisfaction. Youths as employees of the KKV programme needed some hygiene and motivational factors referred herein as satisfiers and dissatisfiers. The challenges that affected the Kazi Kwa Vijana programme needed to be studied empirically so that remedial action is put in place for its sustainability in future and in the long run serve as a guideline for the many other projects to be initiated by the government. The study findings are useful to the Government of Kenya, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, policy makers, NGOs, Kazi Kwa Vijana coordinators and all concerned stakeholders in devising workable strategies geared towards achieving the desired goals and objectives at the county and national level.


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How to Cite

Langat, G. . (2019). Examining the perception of the youths towards Kazi Kwa Vijana (Work for the youth) programmes in Kericho municipality of Kericho County, Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 1(1), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.51317/ecjahss.v1i1.74


