Relationship between classroom management practice and students' disruptive behaviour in mixed secondary schools in Kisauni Sub-county, Mombasa County, Kenya
classroom management practices, classroom control practices by prefects, disruptive behaviour, order, prefects’ responsibilitiesAbstract
This study sought to assess and recommend ways of solving the problem of students’ disruptive behaviour in the classroom in mixed secondary schools in Kisauni Sub-county, Mombasa County, Kenya. The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between classroom control practices by prefects and student disruptive behaviour in the classroom mixed secondary schools in Kisauni Sub-county, Mombasa County, Kenya. The data was collected and analysed using a descriptive design, and the study's target population included 24 mixed secondary schools, 96 class teachers, and 840 form four students in Kisauni Sub-county. The study sampled 8 schools and 24 class teachers using both the purposive and simple random sampling techniques. A simple random sampling procedure was employed in order to select the actual students/respondents to participate in the study. Descriptive statistics computed included means, frequencies, standard deviation and percentages. In order to test hypotheses, f- and t-statistics shall be computed to test significant statistical differences at a 95 per cent significance level. Data were presented in diagrams, charts and tables. There is a moderate positive correlation between prefects' classroom control practices and students' disruptive behaviour (r =.269, p .000<.05). Prefects' classroom control practices are an important predictor of the students' disruptive behaviour (? = .269, p =.000<0.05, t = 4.286). The study is significant in that it will help teachers understand different student disruptive behaviours in secondary school, which will give directions on how to curb such behaviours.
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